Well, the 2021 IPRC Summer Field Day Event is in the bag, and 24 hours later, the gear has almost dried out. 😂
It was a soggy one to be sure, but it was still a very successful, productive, and fun event. Even with persistent rainfall, we were able to run two or three stations for most of the contest portion of the event, and to keep at least one running for the whole 24 hours, making over 300 contacts on 5 different bands, and to most US states, regions of Canada, and even a DX contact or two.
Tonight is our normal monthly meeting night, but we voted to not hold one tonight due to the field day event. We will be having a short, informal zoom tonight starting at 6:30 to debrief and talk about the event, look at the photos and results, and chat about anything else on anyone's mind. Please do join us if you are available.



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